Antonus 2600 “mini” version enters in end of production

Since 2016 when Antonus started with the model 2600, the replica of the mythic ARP2600 in smaller scale factor (around 80%) until 2024 we have been working building up to 125 units. This is very small number compared with industrial numbers, but is a big number for a small family business like Antonus is, making it in very handcraft way, and also considering that during the years the production shares time and space with the Step Brother, Sidecar, SidecARP and in the last year the 2600 Original Size version. Due to our space and time resources is very difficult to add more products and share productions so this means that is time to say good bye to this model, the one that started the Antonus adventure.

During production we have done different versions, starting with the initial basic monophonic MIDI-CV interface until last advanced duophonic MIDI-CV interface. Also we have built with several shape customizations, like different tolex colours, different led lights and offering in last years the classic ARP orange panel colour scheme.

This 125 units are placed in many different countries, and hope it can bring joy and happiness to the owners. This units were designed using thru hole components, and original parts, with the idea that the units can be serviced without problems. This means that from Antonus can bring support and documentation for keep this units running and also for give modification notes for people who likes to mod the instrument.

Is time to say to all owners of Antonus 2600 “small” models that are going to have a rarity instrument, that was designed to offer the same ARP2600 experience, not only in sound but also in feeling and looking taking care of the instrument finish, respecting the original tolex roadcase look but at the same time offering a bit reduced factor that allows to fit better in small setups and making easier the transport compared with the big original measures.

For anyone that wants to have this small model, this will be the last chance during first month of 2024 to have one of the last unit built, as we are building up to end of panel stocks. Maybe we can build 2 or 3 more. Once sold the only way to have access to an Antonus 2600 “small” will be the second hand market.

Also the Sidecar units for this small model will be put on end of production stage. So we will not continue to make more small Sidecar units. Only the SidecARP units made for the Original Size version will be still on production.

We will continue only with the Antonus 2600 Original Size version, and of course with the Step Brother and SidecARP units. We need to focus time, space and resources in this products and also some news that we are preparing.

Hope that many people have enjoyed and still enjoy this Antonus 2600 “small” models and remember you can count with Antonus to keep the units in tune if anyone needs service or documents.

Many thanks for all people that had made possible this lovely adventure.